I love getting a sneak peek into your awesome home! The size of the girls' room might blow C's mind. ;)

We REALLY want to check out that guest room....maybe next summer?!

Big hugs to you all, including Joy and Duncan!

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I honestly love reading about your adventures on your blog Brian - the tongue in cheek humor cracks me up. Your place looks lovely and I should probably get the scoop on how an american with dual citizen ship or connection to any other foreign country picks up and moves. Ya know, in case the crackpot comes back to office and I need to get the heck outta dodge quickly. Keep on blogging! Send my best to the Cinnamon gals!

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Thanks Sharon! I'm glad you like it. While moving to Sweden was difficult, it was surprisingly easy to find a way to get here. Many companies are hiring, and if you can get a job getting residency is not a challenge. So keep your eyes peeled for international jobs you like and you too can be an expat!

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that should say, no dual citizenship

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The place looks incredible! Girls must be thrilled with their enormous room :)

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They love it! Its such a great room for them!

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Liked "fall is no worse than your average summer day in San Francisco"! Your apt looks beautiful!

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Thanks! We really love it. It is a very special apartment in a very special place!

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